The one who set Social Media on Fire - I look Up to you man!

It was really hard to know who I #LookUp to for inspiration until six months back when I got to know about this person. But before I tell you his name let me build it up!
You have come a long way ahead in life and you always try to calculate what you have achieved or what have you done substantial in life to boast about. You look back and just laugh at it even when you know you are not content with what you have.
You are well educated, you are fit as you play everyday, you have a job for survival, few friends who love you, your ride your dream Bike, and hell lot of Dreams that you are chasing behind.
But all of these mentioned above are just Basics. Few people in the world do not dream but achieve so much that a normal human being cannot. That doesn't stop you from dreaming though.
So, what makes me happy and feel positive?
To see someone ridding a Harley Davidson Bike and get inspired by it? or
To look up at a tall 20 story building and dream to own a House on its top floor? or
To own a Mercedes Benz and flaunt it on road?
Well............! Not really.
So what gives me a hope for future? To be honest, I am only inspired by the Lifestyle of this person. And he is none other than The Dan Bilzerian. Don't get off your seats or judge me by this, but that's the fact. If at all I have to look up to tell you about who fills me full with optimism in life, than it has to be Dan Bilzerian.
Now don't ask me why Dan Bilzerian? Because the answer is the name.
He is the ultimate source of inspiration we know via Social Media.
How can one describe him while you think of living his life in real?

He owns multiple Charter planes in which he travels where ever he wants to go any time in the day and return. Isn't that superb when you compare it to your journey in train to Churchgate station?  

He hangs around with new Girls every other day, and not to mention what those handouts are like. How lucky is he at first? Only he can make you cry if you are a guy, as we all know Men will be Men.

He is a professional Poker player and that is his lifestyle. After reading all this if your eyes don't pop out or your Jaw doesn't drop down, then you are an Alien.

Dan has a variety of Guns and Ammunition that he tests in his backyard. If I tell you that I am extremely passionate about those Guns he owns then my expression will be "Ohh my god!" with my hands on my head.
To live his life is my optimistic approach that will give me greatest hope in the future.
