The Ultimate Source Of Unlimited Joy For Every Indian – The Bank Holidays

Bank Holiday – The term itself puts a big smile on your face, doesn’t it?
And now you wonder why I chose this amazing topic to write on?
Because, we all love our holidays but don’t really know much about them, do we?
In our country, professional holidays are divided into:
National Holidays
Bank Holidays
Casual Leaves
Sick Leaves & of course
Let’s do a little math here and calculate how much time we spend 
‘holidaying’ each year:
On an average:
National & (fixed) bank holidays account for 15 days a year.
Casual & sick leaves account for (more or less) 25 days a year.
Weekends (oh yeah, weekendsss!) account for a straight 104 Days!
Did I mention emergency leaves and half days, etc.?
Sum it all up and the total stands at approximately:
144 holidays per year per individual!
That’s almost 40% of our year going only on holidays!
So the question here is… When do we work then???
What’s our Productivity at work?
On an average, office hours account for roughly 9 hours per day 
 (*This does not include the daily itinerary for us employees at 
ad agencies –  we are not normal, not even close!).
Daily itinerary consists of:
A full 1 Hour break for lunch
Infinite smoke breaks
Innumerable gossip breaks
The phone call breaks
The essential loo breaks
The ‘not-essential-at-all’ casual breaks
Coming half an hour late to office everyday
Miscellaneous breaks
All that and another 45% of our day is gone almost entirely in vain!
Now you think your productivity accounts for total 55% at your work desk? 
 You must be joking!
Don't play so much Galaga!
Are you sure you work with complete dedication at all times, 
when you’re at your desk?? 
The thought itself puts a smile on your face, doesn’t it? 
Slap yourself then… or maybe not.
(For the sake of saying it)
An employee works for a total 1105 hours out of 8760 hours in a year,
and that’s just about 12.61% of total work in a year!
So we ask the all important question again, when do you work?
Well, we have only and only 12.61% of total productivity to offer!
And to be honest, 12.61% of productivity is not a bad number at all, 
if used wisely.
However, as always, the solution to all our questions lies in the
two words we use most:  
Who Cares. Now you know why we aren’t growing that well as a country
(and nobody’s talking about the population here!)

"All in all, it all boils down to the one thing we love and cherish the 
most and will continue to love no matter what – A bank holiday!"
